Office cleaning: steps, techniques and prices.?


Did you know that the cleanliness of the premises is the first criterion of well-being at work? Office cleaning is therefore particularly important for employee motivation and productivity. However, the maintenance of the premises requires more technique than it seems.

Constantly growing, the cleaning market in France represents more than 16 billion euros in 2020, and among this, office cleaning is predominant: it accounts for around 80% of the sector’s revenues.

Around 66% of companies have outsourced the maintenance of their business premises .

The cleaning sector employs more than 540,000 people in France and a third is concentrated in Paris and Île-de-France , where there are the most companies and communities that use cleaning services. The rate of creation of cleaning companies in Île-de-France is moreover twice as high as in the rest of France.

Why is cleaning an office important?

In addition to the provisions provided for by law, office cleaning has a considerable impact on comfort at work and on the image of the company with its customers.

Hygiene regulations

Every company is obliged to provide its employees with maintained and cleaned work premises ( article R4224-18 of the Labor Code and article 2 of Decree No. 82-453 of May 28, 1982 ) to guarantee health . employees.

This also includes sanitary facilities, which must be cleaned at least once a day ( article R4228-13 of the Labor Code ) and available in sufficient numbers ( article R4228-1 of the Labor Code )

Cleaning the offices is therefore mandatory . In the event of a breach, the social and economic committee or occupational medicine can force the company to have the premises cleaned.

The sorting and collection of waste are essential within the framework of a CSR policy . This shows that the company is concerned about its environmental impact and is part of a responsible and sustainable approach.

Who can do the cleaning in the company?

If these tasks are provided for in his employment contract, an employee of a company may be required to clean the common areas and sanitary facilities or even evacuate waste. There is no mandatory certification to carry out these actions.

However, some specific cleaning, such as window or carpet maintenance, requires real know-how.

How to choose the right office cleaning company?

To choose an office cleaning company, we can rely on these simple criteria:To comply with regulations and ensure the comfort of employees and any visitors, offices must be cleaned regularly. The common and sanitary areas are the most exposed to traffic and the accumulation of dirt: they must therefore be cleaned daily, at least.Some tasks, such as cleaning windows and carpets, may be spaced out over time.The dusting of offices must also be frequent in order to avoid the accumulation of dust and the germs it carries, which can cause illnesses and allergies.

What hours to clean an office?

In order not to disturb the workers, cleaning should ideally be done outside office hours. However, it is not always possible or advisable to have cleaners work at night.

However, some cleaning cannot take place when the work premises are very busy:

Office cleaning frequency

Cleaning offices is essential, but not all tasks need to be done with the same frequency.

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