Elevating Your Point Guard Basketball IQ: A Strategic Playbook


When you are trying to play basketball, you need to understand that you are putting everything in your best capacities on the line. This is the game where you need to challenge yourself. In that regard, you need to have a trainer, automated support, and a good IQ that will help your basketball approach a marvelous one.

Guard Basketball

First, you need to ask yourself, what you are here for. The answer is, that you are here to play and win. Winning is not achieved by power but by the brain. So, you need to come up with strategies that you can evolve to help your team. You can strategize your dribbling, shooting areas, shooting style, and even blocking and stealing to win the center area.

To be a good shooter in basketball, you need to achieve what you have always wanted. You need to make points to help your team win. As many points you can get will be enlisted into your team’s count. So, in terms of finding the best ways to become champions, you need to work hard. Also, having a basketball shooter by the side for persistent training can help.

The best IQ tricks

Try to be a point guard. If you can block the opponent from handling the ball, you can stop them from scoring. Also, as a part of a strategy, you need to know who can shoot from a certain point. You can throw the ball or pass in that direction to accomplish success for the game.

When you are practicing with a rebounding net basketball machine within the court, you can pass the ball to another after receiving, it or block another trainee’s attempt to hit the mark yourself. Practicing in such a way will genuinely help one garner and evolve more tricks to play the game in a more complex yet enjoyable way.

Also, having a psychological edge will be much more effective for winning the game. As you have seen Shaq and LeBron, both of whom are big. When you block the way legitimately, your team will have one opportunity to score early. Also, when you are practicing with the basketball hoop rebounder machine for the game, you can practice throwing or shooting.

How to develop a high IQ as a young player

  • Keep patience and composure if you want to succeed in the game, and wait for the right chance.
  • Analyze the weaknesses and strengths of your teammates, and while playing together as a team, make sure you can cover those weaknesses
  • Experience the game situations

It is not about dribbling and sprinting, but you have goals to score. Therefore, you can take the support of a Basketball machine that will help you reach out to your highest potential.

Set a Strategic Mindset

The coach will guide you indeed, but you are the ones to play the game. So, if you understand or evolve the strategies through which you can genuinely achieve points for your team, you must not refrain. Chris Paul had a strategic mindset that helped him excel in the game. Figuring out the weaknesses of opponents will be a blessing for your team.

On the other hand, to be an ultimately successful person, you need to be as strong and enigmatic as Kobe Bryant. You need to be hard-working and dedicated. Therefore, you should practice basketball shooting with a basketball shooter machine.

You can even keep such a machine at home now. There are several websites offering shooting machines for sale online. It will be genuinely ideal for you to achieve success through rigorous practice and evolve through it.

Pay attention to the ways of shooting the ball to score

When you are using a machine for shooter basketball, you have the opportunity of shooting practice and repeating following the actions to polish your process. The shooting practices can lead you to become a perfectionist, while rigorous training can keep you on your toes all across the court.

A keen observer always picks up patterns. Therefore, to be a successful basketball player and an all-rounder, all you need to do is train hard while sharpening your IQ. You will play the game on the court, which gives you an upper hand on noticing everything during the game and capitalizing on them for the team’s victory.

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