Did you still have doubts about the impact of sun exposure on premature skin aging? Researchers conducted an enlightening experiment by comparing pairs of identical twins exposed to UV rays in different ways during their lifetime (for example, one farmer and the other office worker): the study established that a greater exposure to UV rays led to the appearance of more marked wrinkles in the twins concerned than in his genetic double.
What does overexposed skin look like?
Regularly exposed to UV rays, the skin protects itself by increasing its production of melanin, the pigment thanks to which we appear tanned. Ultimately, this changes our complexion, the color of the skin, its texture, its pigmentation… The rays of the sun also generate free radicals, aggressive molecules which alter the structure of the cells of the skin. Over time and repeated exposure, the antioxidants naturally present in the skin are no longer sufficient to counter them: the damage then appears in the form of wrinkles, fine lines and spots… And contrary to certain received ideas, it is not because it is not nice that UV rays do not attack our skin: the intensity of UV radiation is strongest when the sky is clear, but it can be high even under cloudy cover.
The solution ? Less exposure and more protection
It is essential to limit your time of exposure to the sun and to put your face and neckline under high protection. With a wide-brimmed hat to start with, and effective sun protection. Eucerin SUN PROTECTION SUN FLUID ANIT-AGE SPF 50+ care contains Glycyrrhetinic Acid and Licochalcone A: these ingredients with barbaric names are precious allies for our skin thanks to their antioxidant properties, to fight against the effect of free radicals.
You can protect your skin against the effects of UV rays throughout the year by including a moisturizing cream combined with sun protection, such as Eucerin AQUAPORIN ACTIVE Spf 25 + UV protection, in your skincare routine.
To preserve the youthful appearance of your skin, there is no magic recipe but a lot of prevention. It’s up to you to play with the sun’s rays to enjoy them without danger.
*Extrait de “Anti-Aging, Give your hands a hand” de N. Puizini-Ivic, par Skin Cancer Foundation.
Skin aging. Acta Dermatoven.
“Causes of Aging Skin” édité par American Academy of Dermatology, Aging Skin Net.
Extrait de “Anti-aging cosmetics : facts and controversies” de M. Ramos-e-Silva, LR. Celem, S Ramos-e-Silva et AP.
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